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Medical English vocabulary

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Complete the missing words of each sentense. some are nouns and verbs

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Medical English vocabularyVersión en línea

Complete the missing words of each sentense. some are nouns and verbs

por Yamil culma romero

and antiseptic gynecologist skin sterilize treats female

The is a medical surgical specialist that the diaseases of the reproductive system .

The liquid used to the surface of the .


instrument procedures is wound that is infection operations bleeding

Bandage a cloth covering placed over a to prevent , swelling and .

Forceps is an used during and medical .


ears are of makes appear words is looking into has device evaluate eyesight

Optometric chart poster combinations of letters , and numbers different sizes used to a person's .

The microscope an instrument that small things larger than they .

Otoscope is a used for a patient's .

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