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Fill in the Blanks Evolution of the English Language

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Fill in the Blanks Evolution of the English Language

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Edad recomendada: 15 años
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Fill in the Blanks Evolution of the English LanguageVersión en línea

Fill in the Blanks Evolution of the English Language

por Uriel

Spanish French 1066 1088 Latin

The Norman invasion of England in . When the French - speaking Normans conquered England and became its ruling class , they brought their speech with them , adding a massive amount of and vocabulary to the English language previously spoken there .


Germanic Latin Picts Angles

Old English belongs to the language family , first brought to the British Isles in the 5th and 6th centuries by the , Saxons , and Jutes .


pd pf p

German words starting with " p , " systematically shifted to a " " sound while their Old English counterparts kept the " " unchanged .


700 Latin Swedish Proto-Germanic 500 French

English , , German , and many other languages descended from their own common ancestor known as spoken around B . C . E


Ukraine France Russia Proto Germanic Spain Proto-Indo-European

, spoken about 6000 years ago on the Pontic steppe in modern day and .

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