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Fill in the Blanks Union Jack

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Fill in the blanks with the correct information about the British Flag.

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Fill in the Blanks Union JackVersión en línea

Fill in the blanks with the correct information about the British Flag.

por Uriel

military English Cavalry English Navy maritime 1545 red cross

Historically the first recorded use of
the on a flag within England
dates back to its use as a flag
used within the in .


Saint George St Andrew's Saint Andrew St Patrick's

The Scottish flag , which is also called cross , owes its origins to the martyr of .


1945 1809 1606

The first edition of the Union Jack flag
originated in .


Scotland Ireland

The acts of Union in 1707 formally United England and into the same country Great Britain .


1901 red X blue x 1801 white x

In the kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland were formally united into the nation now named the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in order to represent this edition of Ireland into the kingdom the flag was again changed with a .

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