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Idioms B2

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Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

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Idioms B2

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

Ruslana Purik

dealbreaker down beat birds gun slacker hot cross chase

1 . Let's not around the bush ; we need to address the problem directly .
2 . He's been in water with his boss ever since he missed the deadline .
3 . I'll that bridge when I come to it ; no need to worry about it now .
4 . She's feeling in the dumps today after getting some bad news .
5 . His constant lying was a for their friendship ; she couldn't trust him anymore .
6 . He's always jumping the and making decisions without thinking things through .
7 . Tom's reputation as a at the office grew as he consistently missed deadlines and avoided extra tasks .
8 . She's trying to kill two with one stone by exercising while listening to an audiobook .
9 . Alright , let's cut to the and figure out what our next steps are for this project .