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Vocabulary B2

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Vocabulary B2Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

whale deprived lucrative mind page devastating far

1 . The software developer landed a contract with a major tech company .
2 . After pulling an all - nighter to meet the deadline , she was feeling sleep - but relieved .
3 . His idea of building a flying car seemed - fetched to many , but he was determined to make it a reality .
4 . Trying to comprehend the vastness of the universe can be - boggling .
5 . The hurricane left a trail of destruction along the coastline .
6 . With the whole family together for the holidays , they're sure to have a of a time .
7 . It's essential for everyone in the project team to be on the same to avoid misunderstandings and delays .

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