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Truth and Falsehood Verbs Fill in the Blanks

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Test your knowledge of verbs by filling in the blanks to reveal the truth or falsehood of statements.

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Truth and Falsehood Verbs Fill in the BlanksVersión en línea

Test your knowledge of verbs by filling in the blanks to reveal the truth or falsehood of statements.

por Cambridge College

deceit consequences cheat exposed fib exaggerate mislead deception fabricate disguise mistakes accountability manipulate honesty lie

When confronted with the truth , some individuals resort to to avoid . They may and to their actions , stories or evidence , or even others to . Rather than owning up to their , they pass off their actions as innocent or photoshop reality to fit their narrative . However , ultimately , the truth has a way of revealing itself , and those who swear to tell the truth often find themselves , while those who and face the of their . It's a reminder that , though sometimes difficult , is always the longer choice in the end .

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