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Some Famous Presidents

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Some Famous PresidentsVersión en línea

Fill in the blanks with the name of the correct president.

por Jesús Fernando Delfín Báez

believed that " all men are created equal " and that the power must come from " the consent of the governed " . He wanted free elections , a free press , and free speech . He was Ambassador to France , Secretary of State , Vice President and the third President of the United States .


. was the youngest President and also lasted only three years in charge . He promised to land a man on the moon before 1970 and more money for education and medical care for elderly people . He was against Communism . He was assassinated on November 22 , 1963 .


was called " Honest Abe " by his friends . He was the sixteenth president . He was againts slavery and freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation .


was a farmer in the colony of Virginia and a military leader . People trusted him because he did not want power for himself . He wanted all the states and the people to work together as one . He believed that power should belong to institutions , not to men . He is often called " the Father of Our Country " .

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