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Complete the text by typing the past simple forms of the verbs into parenthesis

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Past Simple TextVersión en línea

Complete the text by typing the past simple forms of the verbs into parenthesis

por Angie Cristina Castillo Abaunza

waited caught spent was met told went finished ran got had was ate watched took

I ( have ) a great weekend . On Friday afternoon , I ( finish ) work at 5 PM . I ( go ) home and ( take ) a shower . Then I went to see a couple of my friends at a bar downtown .

We had a couple of beers and a nice talk .

Tom ( tell ) us about his new job , and Jim told us about his new girlfriend . After a while , we went to a restaurant and had pizza . I went to bed late that night , but I ( be ) very happy .

On Saturday morning I went running in the park . I ( run ) 5 kilometers , and then came home .

After that , I ( meet ) my girlfriend for lunch . We ( eat ) in a Thai restaurant near my house . I love Thai food !

I ( spend ) the evening with my girlfriend . We ( watch ) TV on the sofa .

The next day , I ( get ) up and ( catch ) the train to my parents ? town . I usually go to see my parents on Sundays , at least twice a month .

My mom usually makes a roast , and we go for a walk in the park or in the country after lunch .

This weekend ( be ) a bit different , though . My parents took me out for a nice lunch , because it was my birthday . After lunch , we took a walk ( as usual ) and then I ( wait ) for the train back to London .

Now it ? s Monday and I ? m back at work , but I ? ve got big plans for next weekend !

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