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There are someThere aren't any

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Completa con "there are some" o "there aren't any". Las oraciones con / son afirmativas. Las oraciones con X son negativas.

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Edad recomendada: 11 años
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There are someThere aren't anyVersión en línea

Completa con "there are some" o "there aren't any". Las oraciones con / son afirmativas. Las oraciones con X son negativas.

por Carolina Campa

X cats in the house . X
/ shops in my city . /
X cars in the street . X
X tables in this kitchen . X
/ birds in that tree . /
/ clothes in the wardrobe . /
X chairs in the classroom . X
/ toys in the box . /
X paintings in the art gallery . X
X trees in the park . X

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