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A2 - Meetings - Simple Interventions

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A2 - Meetings - Simple InterventionsVersión en línea

Fill in the gaps to create sentences

por Richard Davenport

analyze present that data First summarize collect to

Describing a Process :
" , we need collect the data for the project . "
" Then , we the data to identify any trends . "
" After , we our findings to the team . "
" Finally , we discuss potential solutions based on the . "
" To , we the data first , then analyze it , and finally , discuss solutions based on our findings . "


attentively share notes Let's forget Could by to

Simple Instructions :
" Please take during the meeting . "
" you please your ideas with the group ? "
" Don't to submit your agenda items before the meeting . "
" It's important listen to different viewpoints . "
" start reviewing the agenda for today's meeting . "


has to by increased meetings change compared

Describing Change and Making Comparisons :
" Before , we used hold weekly , but now we meet bi - weekly . "
" There been a in the deadline for the project . Now , it's due on [ date ] . "
" This product is more affordable than the previous model . "
" The meeting today is shorter to the last one . "
" We have our sales 10% in the past year . "

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