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Reproductive technologies

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Reproductive technologiesVersión en línea

Complete this fill in the blanks activity on reproductive technologies.

por Belinda Schirmer

specific Artificial semen offspring insemination humans

Artificial involves the process of inserting into the vagina of an animal . It allows for animals with desired characteristics to produce .
selection is a process that has enabled the selection of characteristics in animals for the benefit of .


pollen characteristics specific pollination humans stigma

Artificial involves the dusting of by hand , from the anthers to the of the same flower or a different flower . This enables the plant breeder to control the of the plants being bred . Artificial pollination has been used to produce plants with traits that are beneficial for .


Zygotes artificial implanted transplantation fertilisation

In vitro is the fertilisation of an egg in an environment outside the body of a female . develop to a certain stage before being into the uterus of a female or frozen in liquid nitrogen for at a later date .


reproductive generation

The aim of technologies is to pass on desirable characteristics to the next .

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