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marco rabadan

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Want to run a marathon ? Here's how !

Let's not , reaching the finishing line in a marathon is a long and lonely business . It takes months of tough training , lots of dedication , and fantastic motivation . However , if you succeed , then you will be joining an ever - growing band of for many of whom the experience has been life - changing . ? Here is our guide on how to run a good marathon .

1 . Fix on a realistic time frame and training plan . If you haven't run before , then your first step is to get to the point where you are physically of running three times each week . After that , you start the training plan which is generally 12 to 20 weeks . Expect to feel tired ? that's normal . If you can't get out of bed ? that's not ! Take all the rest you need . Don't be a complete slave to the plan .

2 . Be prepared for a big . Getting up early on a freezing morning foregoing a night out or a lunch is all .

3 . Set a realistic goal . For most people on their first marathon , it should be no more ambitious than to finish . Anything else is just . The key is to adapt and adjust as you run .

4 . Don't get fixated on the length of your training runs . Aim for a maximum time on feet , and give yourself time to recover from that long distance run well before marathon day ? three to four weeks is recommended .

5 . Eating . The week before the race try to eat as healthily as possible : avoid alcohol , drink plenty of water , and get as much sleep as possible .

6 . Carb loading . Be sensible . When you run , you burn fats and carbohydrates . These run out after about 90 minutes , so top up during the race and practice what you can tolerate in advance .

7 . Starting too fast is the most common mistake that beginners make . After all that training , the first few miles will seem to be . It always does ? right up to the point when it suddenly doesn't ! Guard against overconfidence . If you still feel good after 20 miles , then you can speed up a little .

8 . Ignore that little voice in your head that tells you it's impossible . Remember all the training runs and figure out a that gets you through the tough times .

Crossing the finish line will make all the sacrifices and the pain worthwhile . Maybe not immediately , but in the next day or two when the realization hits there is no feeling quite like it . That is , until the next time .

Let's check what you can remember !