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Goes without saying

Goes without saying

marco rabadan

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It that artificial intelligence ( AI ) is having a huge impact on business around the world and across sectors . There are the expected changes it has produced such as faster response times , more efficiency , and depending on the company , possible cost savings . But there are some unexpected impacts also .

To help us understand what some of those unexpected impacts might be , think back to the last time you used Amazon's Alexa assistant , Google's personal assistant , or Apple's Siri . Do they always work exactly as you would expect ? Of course not ! Often these programs , which some would classify as a level of AI , either do not hear you correctly , or simply become confused with your request or sentence . Sometimes , they simply don't have the answer you are looking for . When this happens , how do you feel ? Frustrated ? Annoyed ? ? Now , imagine that your 'coworker' is not an actual flesh and blood person , but a robot run by AI . It is supposed to help you and make your job easier by providing you with the information and feedback that you need , but when it fails to do so , you feel the same irritation that you do today with the personal assistants mentioned above .

This is certainly new territory in the business world . It is one thing to give advice and guidance when it comes to interpersonal relationships between human coworkers , and another entirely different thing to do so regarding relationships between human and AI coworkers . In fact , one could ask if there is even a need to analyze this at all . It's not like AI can have its 'feelings' hurt if its human counterpart it for not doing a good job .

But , as with all things human , it's not that simple . Nor can we truly identify how to deal with situations such as this until we have AI capable of being a regular and common aspect of business in general . What we do know , however , is that productivity , mood , and levels of happiness are greatly affected by how a person responds to external . For example , your coworker promises to provide you with statistical analysis that you need to finish a project . When you ask for the information , they tell you that they haven't done it yet . You respond in one of two ways . The first way , you become very upset and in an angry voice tell your coworker that you were depending on that information and that they have broken their promise to you , then you throw the file on their desk and without allowing them to speak . Or you respond the second way , you take a deep breath and ask them if there was a specific reason why they weren't able to get it done in a calm and measured tone of voice . You allow them to explain that a relative of theirs recently died and they had to take a couple of days off to go to the funeral . As a result , they have been a bit behind . Of course , you understand their situation and tell them that it's nothing to worry about and that you'll take care of it .

While neither situation is a positive outcome , one will result in bad feelings for you and your coworker . The other will result in your coworker appreciating you more for your understanding and you will feel no sense of anger or irritation with them because they were not being , but in a difficult situation . This well illustrates what we know about the results of human response . We are often the ones who decide if a situation results in negative feelings or positive ones . This does not change whether we are speaking to a fellow coworker , using a computer , trying to fix something that has broken , or perhaps , trying to integrate with AI coworkers .

Interestingly then , our success in dealing with difficulties in the workplace with AI coworkers could really have more to do with us than with our future robotic . Whether we will ever need to face this challenge or if it will be our children learning these lessons , only time will tell .

Let's check what you remember !