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Past modals of deduction

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Edad recomendada: 14 años
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Past modals of deductionVersión en línea

Listening activity

por Sonia Martinez

have taken light bright transported makes can been light above laughed closer should lived would may had some explorers must woke have

Years ago , when I in the England I remember an experience that I don ? t often tell anyone about because nobody believes me and it some people think that I ? ma bit crazy ! I was walking home from the pub across some fields when I saw a strange in the sky . It got closer and until it was right me . There was a flash of and suddenly I was to a bright room with aliens . They explained that they were and took me on a tour of the universe . The next morning I up in my bed with no idea how I got home !

My friends all at me and said that I too much to drink , and yes , I ? ll admit that I have had a few more whiskies than usual but not that many ! My wife says that I ? t abducted by aliens because it only took me 20 minutes to get home . I have some photos , maybe then someone believe me .

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