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Елена Awramenko

coal sovereign Eastern one people vegetables Carpathians computers nationalities Now cities climatic territory We world independence Motherland

My is Ukraine . It is a , democratic state .
Ukraine is of the largest countries in Europe . Many peo -
ple of different nations and inhabit it .
The of Ukraine is mostly flat . Like any other countries
in the world Ukraine has big : Kyiv , Kharkiv , Odesa , Dnipro ,
Lviv , Kherson and others . Western Ukraine with its with
their unique nature , culture and legends is known all over the world .
We , Ukrainian , love our country though life in Ukraine has
never been easy . Ukrainian people have always been devoted to their
Motherland fighting for peace and on their land .
Ukraine is rich in natural resources such as iron ore , , building
materials : wood , granite , marble , sandstone , different minerals . Due
to the favourable conditions Ukraine grows wheat and corn ,
all kinds of fruit and . The country also produces different
goods : modern supersonic airliners , ships , TV sets , , lorries
and buses , grain harvesters and other goods .
Ukraine is looking for its place among free countries in the
world . are recognised by almost all states of the .


people Sofiivska important concerts Sobornosti Victory cuisine Independence 1919 May festive 28th War human remember 24th August 1991 holiday Constitution musical freedoms

Ukrainian Unity Day ( Den ) is an historical
event in Ukraine . In Eastern and Western Ukraine were united
on the 22nd of January . The ? Treaty of Unity ? between two Ukraines
was signed and the unity of all Ukrainian lands was proclaimed on
Square in Kyiv . Den Sobornosti is a symbol of territorial
and spiritual unity of Ukraine as a unified sovereign state .
Day is a holiday of joy and sorrow . It is celebrated on
the 9th of . Millions of people gave their lives during the Sec -
ond World for peace and happiness . The eternal memory of those
who were killed will last forever throughout the generations . Veterans
gather together to those who fought for freedom and de -
fended their country . This day is to remind us about terrible human
mistakes of the past , too , and to prevent them in the future .
On the of June we celebrate Day . On this day in
1996 the Constitution of independent Ukraine was adopted . Accord -
ing to the Constitution Ukraine is a sovereign , independent , demo -
cratic , jural state the main task of which is to establish and promote
rights and . Fireworks , various and
events take place throughout the country .
Independence Day is celebrated on the of . Indepen dence
Day is the largest state holiday in Ukraine , which commemorates the
adoption of the ? Declaration of Sovereignty ? of Ukraine in . It is
celebrated with impressive fireworks , numerous exciting concert pro -
grammes in national style , exhibitions , fairs , wonderful feasts ,
games , different dishes of national Ukrainian and other enter -
tainments . Day is a national which marks the
unity , strength of will and spirit of Ukrainian .