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marco rabadan

intrigued meagre facilitate predicament Symptomatic drudgery lucrative

What job will you have when you retire ?

As more and more people are in their tenth decade , the state can't afford to continue paying them a pension . So what is the alternative ?

While I was on a recent visit in England , I stopped by the local supermarket and was struck by the fact that the checkout positions were all manned not by students or young school leavers , but rather by men and women in their late 60s and 70s . This somewhat me , so I questioned my checkout operator as he slowly and deliberately scanned the items in my shopping cart . His reply was brief and to the point ? he couldn't survive on the state pension , he needed to work to live . With this response ringing in my ears , it came as no surprise to later read an article that suggested that such encounters are likely to be the norm rather than the exception in the future .

For some people , of course , this represents an opportunity and a challenge ? a chance to try your hand at a hobby to supplement a pension . For others though , it is the shattering of a dream , that life of leisure and travel that they had been promised in recognition of their 45 years of office , shop , or production line has gone up in smoke .

So , why are things changing ? Well , there's a sizable gap between the amount that most people are saving towards their retirement , and the amount that they're likely to need , which keeps increasing every day . One estimate puts the likely shortfall in the world's largest economies at a staggering $428 trillion by the year 2050 . The cause of this financial headache is of course a public health success . Statistically speaking , you are likely to live longer than your parents , and the majority of children born now are likely to live until they are 100 . Fantastic news for them , but a real for anyone charged with the responsibility to ensure that they do not bankrupt the nation .

Of course , one way to finance retirement is to save during your working years . Unfortunately , as even an 11th grade math student could tell you , if you work for 45 years and then retire , saving sufficient money to finance the next 35 years would be beyond the capability of most people trying to find money for a house , children , and all the other needs . The alternative for most people to retire at 60 , or even 70 is simply not going to be an option .

Don't despair yet though ! The opportunities , seemingly , are endless and ever expanding . of this novel mindset is Anthony Mancinelli , a barber who has been cutting hair for 95 years ; and a YouTube sensation , Karre Mastanamma , a great - grandmother who lived 107 years and used to teach her million followers how to cook dishes .

On the other hand , some companies have recruited younger staff only to find them unreliable , and have turned to older workers who prioritize work . And for people with more physically demanding jobs , continuing work could be more of a challenge . But this might not always be the case , as technology is changing ? some of the more manual jobs in terms of hard labor are being undertaken by machines . Consequently , the nature of work itself will people working longer . Of course , continuing work will be governed to a significant extent by your health . How we judge those that are unable to work will perhaps be the biggest challenge for future generations .

Let's check your understanding !