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Heath problems

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Practice the vocabulary about health problems and remedies.

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Heath problemsVersión en línea

Practice the vocabulary about health problems and remedies.

por Marco Gabriel Chicaiza

1 . : The most common remedy for this problem is cool water . Put the sick person in a cool bath or wash the person gently with a cool cloth . Don't put the person in ice water . It could be bad for him or her .

2 . Headache : In China , some people a headache with a coin ( metal money ) . Hold the coin in your fingers and rub it back and forth across the forehead very hard . It will leave a red mark .

3 . Cold : Some people believe you can a cold by drinking a lot of orange juice . Orange juice has a lot of vitamin C . This helps the body fight illness .

4 . : One remedy for this problem is honey . Eat one big spoonful three times a day . Most children love this remedy . The honey is sweet and it feels nice on the throat . In fact , older like it , too !

5 . Stomachache : A remedy is ginger ( a spice from a light brown root ) . Cook 4 ounces of ginger in 1 quart of water for 1 hour . Drink a glass three times a day .

6 . Toothache : When you have a toothache , everything that goes in your mouth hurts . Even the in your mouth seems to hurt . For hundreds of years the most common remedy for a toothache was to drink a glass of whiskey and have your neighbor pull out the tooth . These days , people just go to the dentist .

7 . Sprained ankle : A sprained ankle often gets . To bring down the , do two things . First , put a bag of ice on the ankle . The cold makes the in the ankle get smaller . Put the ice on the ankle for no longer than 10 minutes every couple of hours . Second , put your foot up high . This helps the back to the heart and makes the ankle go back to its normal size .

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