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marco rabadan

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Nuclear fusion by 2025 ?

A major new source of clean power could be just around the corner . In fact , scientists are betting that we might see the first production of nuclear fusion by 2025 . Nuclear fusion is the natural phenomenon that powers the sun , where hydrogen is converted into helium atoms through a process that happens at really high temperatures ? like hundreds of millions of degrees . Scientists say that once we develop and this technology , we will have more energy than we will ever need .

The project is called International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) and includes the participation of the Europe Union's member states , the United States , Russia , China , India , and South Korea . The experimental site is in France and so far , it has cost $20 billion , though a lot more will be needed . If it is successful , the French plant would produce ten million times more power than a traditional power plant ? without CO2 emissions and without radioactive materials . Scientists say that they could produce as much energy as 10 , 000 tonnes of coal using a quantity of hydrogen that is the size of a pineapple .

This project is one of the most complicated and expensive in human history . Hydrogen plasma needs to be heated to 150 million degrees , which is ten times hotter than the sun's core . The doughnut - shaped reactor will be surrounded by giant magnets which will take the extremely hot plasma away from the metal walls of the container . The magnets need to be cooled to - 269°C . The problem is creating the extreme conditions necessary for these reactions to occur , harnessing the resulting energy safely , and controlling the reactions of the energy .

It is perfect timing for a to nuclear fusion . Electricity may double by 2050 , mainly because of the industrialization of the developing world . Wind and solar energies are becoming hugely popular , but that growth may not be enough to the side effects of a warming climate .

Google and Microsoft co - founder Paul Allen is also interested in developing the technology . The internet giant announced in 2017 that it had created a partnership with Tri Alpha Energy ( TAE ) to generate new computer algorithms that could help test the ideas behind nuclear fusion engineering efforts . They are very confident about being able to control the plasma . Lockheed Martin's is another company that is seeing results . Their fusion project , Skunk Works , is smaller , but they say they are able to control and release temperatures of over a hundred million degrees .

Though there are considerable financial and technical challenges ahead , it looks like the technology is , just in time to satisfy the world's energy needs and to limit the effects of climate change .