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Present perfect BUA

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Fill the gaps with the correct form of the present perfect

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Present perfect BUAVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the correct form of the present perfect

por caafi serviciosocial

visited have haven't worked Have hasn't achieved traveled met haven't Has has has has cooked lived completed Has written seen

1 . - Mary ( cook ) a delicious breakfast .
2 . - They ( complete ) the online courses .
3 . - They ( not achieve ) their fitness goals .
4 . - she ( visit ) Cancun before ?
5 . - He ( travel ) to five different countries .
6 . - He ( not see ) the latest Marvel movie .
7 . - John ( write ) a poem for his girlfriend .
8 . - he ( meet ) the company's CEO ?
9 . - I ( not live ) in this city my whole life .
10 . - you ( work ) in a different city before ?

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