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Be going to filling gaps BUA

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Filling the gaps usint "going to"

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Be going to filling gaps BUAVersión en línea

Filling the gaps usint "going to"

por caafi serviciosocial

I'm ( attend ) a conference next month , and I'm really looking forward to it . After the conference , I'm ( explore ) the city and visit some museums . I've already made a list of places I'm ( see ) , and I'm ( take ) lots of photos . During the trip , I'm ( meet ) up with some colleagues , and we're ( have ) dinner together . I'm ( try ) the local cuisine , especially the famous dishes the city is known for . In the evenings , I'm ( relax ) at the hotel and maybe catch up on some reading . Overall , it's ( be ) an exciting and memorable experience , and I'm ( make ) the most of it .

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