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Be going to WA

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Fill the gaps with the correct form of Be going to.

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Be going to WAVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the correct form of Be going to.

por caafi serviciosocial

1 . - I'm ( buy ) a new car next year .
2 . - They're ( visit ) Paris in the summer .
3 . - She's ( start ) a new job next month .
4 . - We're ( learn ) French next month .
5 . - She's ( not buy ) a new house .
6 . - He's ( not travel ) to Japan next summer .
7 . - Are they ( move ) to a new apartment ?
8 . - Are we ( have ) a meeting tomorrow ?
9 . - You're ( quit ) your job next weekend .
10 . - He's ( not study ) abroad next year .

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