Swamped
by
apps
?
Give
pen
and
paper
a
try
!
Time
to
head
back
to
basics
?
Ditch
the
smart
devices
and
pick
up
a
pen
.
expect
that
,
like
me
,
you
had
thought
that
the
coming
of
the
personal
computer
,
followed
by
the
laptop
and
other
smart
devices
would
make
pen
and
paper
.
If
so
,
then
maybe
you
need
to
think
again
.
It
appears
that
many
writers
pick
up
their
pen
before
their
keyboard
and
that
according
to
recent
scientific
research
,
applying
ink
to
the
page
has
many
advantages
over
typing
on
a
keyboard
.
Did
you
know
,
for
example
,
that
.
.
Rowling
famously
wrote
the
Harry
Potter
series
of
novels
on
napkins
?
Here
are
some
of
the
claimed
benefits
of
putting
pen
to
paper
:
.
It's
better
for
learning
:
One
of
the
best
ways
to
study
and
keep
new
information
is
to
rewrite
your
notes
by
hand
.
That's
because
putting
ink
to
paper
a
part
of
the
brain
that
acts
as
a
filter
,
giving
more
importance
to
the
stuff
that
you're
actively
focusing
on
at
that
moment
.
Research
by
Princeton
University
and
the
University
of
California
in
Los
Angeles
,
published
in
,
showed
that
the
pen
is
indeed
mightier
than
the
keyboard
.
Those
who
took
written
notes
had
a
better
understanding
of
the
material
and
remembered
more
of
it
because
they
had
to
mentally
information
rather
than
just
type
it
.
.
It
makes
you
a
better
writer
.
Many
famous
authors
choose
writing
by
hand
over
the
utility
of
a
typewriter
or
computer
.
Writer
Susan
Sontag
said
that
she
liked
the
slowness
of
writing
by
hand
.
Novelist
Truman
Capote
insisted
on
a
similar
process
.
It
is
claimed
that
the
slower
nature
of
writing
can
help
with
creativity
,
but
how
do
you
measure
creativity
?
In
our
opinion
,
this
has
little
scientific
basis
but
if
it
works
for
you
then
.
.
.
.
It
will
prevent
you
from
becoming
.
The
computer
in
front
of
you
is
for
some
just
a
source
of
cute
animal
videos
and
other
such
things
.
There's
a
lot
to
be
said
for
having
only
a
pen
and
paper
in
front
of
you
?
especially
since
that
paper
probably
isn't
plugged
into
the
distraction
-
laden
internet
.
.
It
has
benefits
at
both
ends
of
the
age
range
.
There
is
research
evidence
that
suggests
that
writing
longhand
leads
to
an
improvement
in
the
reading
capability
of
young
children
.
Meanwhile
,
some
physicians
claim
that
the
very
act
of
writing
is
a
good
cognitive
exercise
for
the
baby
boomer
generation
if
they
want
to
keep
their
minds
sharp
as
they
age
.
So
,
other
than
the
claimed
benefits
,
to
what
can
we
the
lasting
appeal
of
simpler
tools
?
Well
for
a
start
,
a
notepad
will
never
run
out
of
batteries
or
have
a
screen
freeze
half
way
through
a
task
.
You
can't
accidentally
delete
something
.
It
won't
ring
,
or
ping
you
with
constant
social
media
and
email
updates
.
And
you
can
sketch
and
draw
a
diagram
or
an
illustration
which
isn't
as
easily
done
on
a
smartphone
.
Entrepreneur
Amy
Jones
,
creator
of
Map
Your
Progress
?
which
involves
goal
tracking
through
art
?
created
a
huge
canvas
of
swirls
and
hung
it
on
the
wall
.
Each
time
she
paid
off
part
of
her
debt
,
she
colored
one
in
with
a
brightly
toned
hue
.
Thinking
this
idea
might
appeal
to
others
,
she
started
selling
her
designs
?
known
as
Progress
Maps
?
online
in
.
Customers
used
them
to
stay
focused
on
goals
such
as
clearing
debt
,
losing
weight
,
or
training
for
a
marathon
.
Explaining
its
popularity
,
she
says
,
?
It
becomes
something
more
than
just
swiping
your
finger
on
an
app
,
or
filling
in
a
cell
on
a
spreadsheet
.
It's
more
of
an
experience
.
?
Let's
check
your
understanding
!