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marco rabadan

process redundant distracted stimulates attribute

Swamped by apps ? Give pen and paper a try !

Time to head back to basics ? Ditch the smart devices and pick up a pen . I expect that , like me , you had thought that the coming of the personal computer , followed by the laptop and other smart devices would make pen and paper . If so , then maybe you need to think again . It appears that many writers pick up their pen before their keyboard and that according to recent scientific research , applying ink to the page has many advantages over typing on a keyboard . Did you know , for example , that J . K . Rowling famously wrote the Harry Potter series of novels on napkins ?

Here are some of the claimed benefits of putting pen to paper :

1 . It's better for learning : One of the best ways to study and keep new information is to rewrite your notes by hand . That's because putting ink to paper a part of the brain that acts as a filter , giving more importance to the stuff that you're actively focusing on at that moment . Research by Princeton University and the University of California in Los Angeles , published in 2014 , showed that the pen is indeed mightier than the keyboard . Those who took written notes had a better understanding of the material and remembered more of it because they had to mentally information rather than just type it .

2 . It makes you a better writer . Many famous authors choose writing by hand over the utility of a typewriter or computer . Writer Susan Sontag said that she liked the slowness of writing by hand . Novelist Truman Capote insisted on a similar process . It is claimed that the slower nature of writing can help with creativity , but how do you measure creativity ? In our opinion , this has little scientific basis but if it works for you then . . .

3 . It will prevent you from becoming . The computer in front of you is for some just a source of cute animal videos and other such things . There's a lot to be said for having only a pen and paper in front of you ? especially since that paper probably isn't plugged into the distraction - laden internet .

4 . It has benefits at both ends of the age range . There is research evidence that suggests that writing longhand leads to an improvement in the reading capability of young children . Meanwhile , some physicians claim that the very act of writing is a good cognitive exercise for the baby boomer generation if they want to keep their minds sharp as they age .

So , other than the claimed benefits , to what can we the lasting appeal of simpler tools ? Well for a start , a notepad will never run out of batteries or have a screen freeze half way through a task . You can't accidentally delete something . It won't ring , or ping you with constant social media and email updates . And you can sketch and draw a diagram or an illustration which isn't as easily done on a smartphone .

Entrepreneur Amy Jones , creator of Map Your Progress ? which involves goal tracking through art ? created a huge canvas of swirls and hung it on the wall . Each time she paid off part of her debt , she colored one in with a brightly toned hue . Thinking this idea might appeal to others , she started selling her designs ? known as Progress Maps ? online in 2015 . Customers used them to stay focused on goals such as clearing debt , losing weight , or training for a marathon . Explaining its popularity , she says , ? It becomes something more than just swiping your finger on an app , or filling in a cell on a spreadsheet . It's more of an experience . ?

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