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Edad recomendada: 16 años
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Fill in the blanks

por VICTOR Mon

Shopping product elimination filling goods Line brand Speciality goods stretching product line mix Product goods Line product convenience

1 . A is a name ( or sometimes a sign , symbol or design ) used to identify the goods or services of a particular manufacturer , seller or supplier .
2 . A is defined by marketers as anything capable of satisfaying a need or want .
3 . A is a group closely related products , which usually have the same function and are sold to the same customer groups through the same outlets .
4 . A is the set of all the products line and items offered by the company .
5 . are cheap and simple products which people use regularly and buy frequently wihtout comparing .
6 . are durable goods with unique characteristics .
7 . are high involved products for which consumers generally search information .
8 . is the process of withdrawing products from the market when they are no longer profitable .
9 . - means adding further items in that part of a product range .
10 . - means lenghtening a company's product line .

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