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Fill in the Blanks: New York Personalities

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A game where players fill in the blanks to complete the descriptions of two contrasting personalities in New York City.

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Fill in the Blanks: New York PersonalitiesVersión en línea

A game where players fill in the blanks to complete the descriptions of two contrasting personalities in New York City.

por Cambridge College

trustworthy spontaneous self-assured reserved introverted broad-minded cynical gullible shrewd reserved trustworthy narrow-minded quick-tempered self-effacing punctual abrasive extrovert placid

In the bustling city of New York , a businessman named John was known for his personality . Despite being and often , he was surprisingly . His demeanor and habits made him a respected figure in the business world . However , his views often led to misunderstandings with his more colleagues . He was an , always at the center of social gatherings , but he had a side that he only showed to his closest friends .

On the other side of the city lived a and artist named Emily . She was known for her spirit that often reflected in her artwork . Despite being , she was a individual who never claimed attention for herself . Her friends admired her for being broad - minded and accepting of others' behaviors and beliefs . However , her nature sometimes made it hard for her to express her true feelings . Despite these challenges , Emily remained a and loyal friend to all who knew her .

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