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Market Leader Pre-Intermediate_Unit 11_Vocabulary

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Market Leader Pre-Intermediate_Unit 11_VocabularyVersión en línea

Complete the gaps.


resolving patience debriefing unfair credit fair to intervene unacceptable consistent patience prevent

Conflicts often arise when individuals in matters without understanding the full context .
teasing can sometimes escalate conflicts , as it may be perceived hurtful not playful .
Hurtful words and actions can fuel conflicts , making it crucial to foster environments where such behavior is .
It's essential to conflicts from escalating in the company .
covering for somebody's mistakes may seem noble , but it can also lead to conflicts when accountability is overlooked .
Taking for someone else's work is not only an unfair work practice but also a source of conflict within teams and organizations .
Controversies often stem from disagreements over what is .
Conflict resolution requires and a willingness to engage in dialogue , even when emotions run high .
sessions after conflicts can help individuals process their emotions and understand perspectives .
Finding a solution conflicts often requires consistent effort and a commitment to addressing causes rather than symptoms .
is key in navigating conflicts , as rushing to resolve issues may lead to incomplete or ineffective solutions .
communication can prevent misunderstandings and reduce the likelihood of conflicts arising .
It's important to recognize and address work practices promptly to prevent conflicts .
conflicts requires a collective effort and a dedication to fostering understanding , empathy , and cooperation among all parties involved .

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