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Business Result B2_Unit 2_Vocabulary Revision

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Business Result B2_Unit 2_Vocabulary RevisionVersión en línea

Complete the gaps


accepting of Respecting cautious with open strict sensitive hierarchical Tolerance adjust about

In some cultures , there is a structure where people respect authority figures and follow their guidance .
Many societies are of diverse beliefs and lifestyles , valuing inclusion and diversity .
It's important to be when interacting with unfamiliar customs to avoid unintentionally causing offense .
Certain cultures are to gestures and body language , interpreting them as signals of respect or disrespect .
of different viewpoints is a fundamental aspect of many modern societies , promoting harmony and understanding .
Some cultures adhere to social norms and traditions that dictate behavior in various situations .
Cultures that are to new ideas encourage innovation and progress through exploration and experimentation .
Being informed cultural practices and traditions helps individuals navigate diverse social settings with ease .
It's essential to be aware cultural sensitivities to avoid misunderstandings or conflicts .
Familiarity local customs and traditions facilitates smoother integration into new cultural environments .
cultural differences fosters mutual understanding and promotes peaceful coexistence .
As travelers , it's important to to the customs and norms of the places we visit to show respect and appreciation .

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