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Climate Change: Causes and Effects

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Fill in the Blanks: Climate Change: Causes and Effects

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Climate Change: Causes and EffectsVersión en línea

Fill in the Blanks: Climate Change: Causes and Effects

por Maika Lolo López

Climate change refers to long - term changes in , precipitation , wind patterns , and other aspects of the Earth's climate system . It is primarily caused by human activities , such as the of fuels , , and processes . These activities release large amounts of gases into the , which trap heat and cause the Earth's temperature to rise . The effects of climate change are widespread and include rising levels , more frequent and severe heatwaves , , and , and changes in and biodiversity . Climate change also poses significant risks to human , agriculture , and the economy . It is important to take action to reduce greenhouse gas and adapt to the changing climate in order to mitigate the impacts of climate change .

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