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MummiesVersión en línea

A2 reading activity

por Emoke Gyergyak

600 years old A British archaeologist another world everyday things dead people into mummies The most famous a person died In the past with the mummies capital of Peru

, people believed that when they died they went to , the afterlife . In many parts of the world , people thought that when he or she needed their body in the afterlife . The people made .
The people put jewellery , clothes and other things in the pyramids .

Most mummies are Egyptian . They are 4000 years old . one is Pharaoh Tutankhamun . He was 17 years old when he died . found him in 1922 .

The Incas made people into mummies . They are but they don ? t look like the Egyptian mummies . They have with them . Archaeologists found 2000 mummies in April near Lima , the .

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