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Trouble in the jungle summary fill the gap

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Trouble in the jungle summary fill the gapVersión en línea

Fill the gap predicting the story

por Roberto Martin CEIP Pablo Picasso

jungle nature leaves Jaguar fruits nest cut Toucan tree man Monkey money plants girl hamburgers talk animals

This play is about a named Zonia who lives in a with many and .
The most important in the jungle is called the Great Kapok tree , and it gives food , medicine , and homes for different animals .
Zonia has three animal friends : Jay the , Tiki the , and Mac the .

The animals love the Great Kapok Tree for different reasons . Jay likes the tree ? s big that protect him from the sun and rain . Tiki lives in the tree in her , and Mac loves the tree because it gives him delicious to eat .

But one day , a mean and greedy named Donald Dump arrives in the jungle . He wants to down the Great Kapok Tree and turn the jungle into a cow farm for making . He thinks is more important than .

Zonia tries to to Donald , but he doesn ? t understand her .

Will they be able to communicate ?
Will Zonia and her friends stop the evil Donald Dump ?

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