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Tips for a tidy desk

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Tips for a tidy deskVersión en línea

Complete the following tips using the correct missing word

por Luis Angel Roldan

a prefer take as digital pencils day your bin

Seven tips for a tidy desk

1 . Only keep things you really need on and near desk .
Use a tray for any papers you have to read . Have a jar for pens and and have a bin near your desk .

2 . Don ? t keep any drinks on your desk .
Go to the kitchen when you want to have a drink or , if you , keep a drink on a small table near your desk .

3 . Reduce the amount of paper that you use .
Try to keep as much information possible in folders on your computer . Before printing document , ask yourself , ? do I really need to read this on paper ? ?

4 . Scan your notes .
If you have a lot of paper ( magazine articles , notes , worksheets , etc . ) , use a scanner and keep a version as a PDF on your computer .

5 . Use your smartphone to take photos of things you need to remember .
For example , photos of notes to yourself , the name and address of a place you need to visit or diagrams you need to study for school .

6 . Get a noticeboard .
If you really do need to keep small bits of paper , use a noticeboard on the wall . Check it every day and throw old notes in the .

7 . Clean your desk at the end of every day .
Choose a time to tidy your desk and do it ! If you do it every , it will only take five minutes and you can start each new day with a clean and tidy space .

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