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Growing up Unit 5

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Growing up Unit 5

Unit 5

Carolina Nicolaev

full place hut island forest weeks braver made beaten teenage cuts skulls backs

On the of Papua New Guinea , The Niowra tribe lives near the Sepik River , which is of crocodiles . The people believe that crocodiles the Earth and its people . When it is time for boys to become , a ' crocodile ceremony' take .
the boys are taken to a hut called 'The Crocodile Nest' . The is full of crocodile teeth and . The boys are told to think of their crocodile 'fathers and mothers' to help them to be strong and brave . They are several times a day for six and bamboo is used to make on their chests and their . The boys play the drums together during their time in the hut - this helps them to feel that they are not alone . The Niowra believe that this ceremony makes the boys stronger and , so they can survive in the .