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marco rabadan

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Should I send this email ?

There you are , another day at the office . You drink your morning coffee and then start reading your emails . Everything goes well until you you sent an email to the wrong ! I know , yesterday was a very difficult and busy day , you were so tired and somehow that email was sent ! There is nothing you can do now , it is too late . The only thing you can do is make sure it won't happen again .

Consider the numbers , out of all the emails the employee receives , perhaps ten percent is useful . How many hours a week do you spend going through your inbox looking for what should be read and what should be ignored or deleted ? Because of that , you should pay a little extra attention and only reply to the emails that correspond to that ten percent ? the ones that deserve reading . We can save time and make fewer mistakes . Here is a list to consider before sending an email , consider it a checklist .

? What time is it ? Receiving emails at inappropriate hours can be annoying , but many people think if they don't send an important message at that moment , it will be forgotten later , so they send it anyway . If you are one of those , consider that most of your coworkers might be sleeping , and they will think you are a complete who works very late hours .

? Is it work related ? You may be at the office , but not everything that happens at the office work . So if it is not related to work , maybe you would like to wait until you are out of the office and use your personal email to send that important email . It may not only be sent to the wrong recipient , but you may be viewed as unprofessional , not using your work time .

? Are you sending it to right recipients ? Clicking the wrong button is so easy ! You may send an email to your list of contacts without realizing . This is quite important ! Did you select the right " John " ? Should you Cc or Bcc instead of allowing all contacts to be seen by others ? Do not forget to always double check .

? Did you correct the grammar ? It is not about being understood , it is about being clearly understood . For example , if you write : 'you ? re proyect' instead of 'your project' , people may understand what you mean , but what will they think of your grammar , schooling , and attention to detail ? Being good at grammar is one of the most important skills you need to develop in order to write emails .

These simple and quick to check facts can help you send appropriate emails every time , and more importantly , it will help you be considered a professional .