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marco rabadan

willingness rebuke blatantly tragedy disbelief wilderness the voice ally adage confrontation orator in

Tips on how to better voice your opinion

Whatever the motive , if you are fearful of expressing your opinion , then making the most of opportunities at work and in your personal life will be more difficult . Let's look at some advice that can help .

No one pretends it's easy . Finding yourself in a situation where you have to decide , on the spur of the moment , whether to stand up or keep quiet . It may be when you have a gut feeling that on this issue your boss is wrong , everyone around the table knows it , but they are all looking at their hands , afraid to make a challenge , should you ? On the other hand , you might be in a bar with a group of friends , when one of them makes a racist remark . Do you stand up for your principles or do you keep quiet because you don't want to ruin a good evening ?

More often than not , we sometimes say too little , other times we say too much . Authors Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschäppeler have written a book called The communication book , which discusses some of the things you should consider in these situations . It might also help you to get your point across without . Interested ? Then read on .

Since a is seldom enough , the first thing to do is to look around the group for an , someone you think will support you . A German social scientist went so far as to conclude after many experiments that there is a direct link between our to speak out and our concern that the opinion of the majority is different from our own . In other words , the fear of speaking out is not governed by whether we think our opinion is wrong . Rather , it is controlled by the fear of being alone or isolated in that view . The scientist called this sensation 'the spiral of silence' . To overcome this 'spiral of silence' someone needs to speak out . At first , this might be a mild or differing view but having opened the door , others will most likely follow your lead .

If your concern is not about keeping silent , but rather about how much to talk , then remember the old , " We have two ears , but only one mouth . " Listening is far more important than talking . One contemporary philosopher suggested that a good training for anyone tempted to talk too much would be to listen to another voicing their opinion for at least one hour , without interrupting once .

The third piece of advice is , once you have decided to speak up , keep it brief and to the point . Don't risk repeating the same point over and over again . Say what you want and then sit down . Wait for your allies , if any , to have their say . The great American novelist Ernest Hemingway , once claimed over dinner with friends that he could write a novel in just six words . His friends laughed and expressed their . This is what he wrote : " For sale : baby shoes , never worn . "

You can almost touch the in that simple choice of six words and the rest is left to your imagination . You don't need to be a great or a hero to voice your opinion . Listen carefully to what is being said , pick your words carefully in the hope of finding an ally , and keep it short .