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Idioms B2 | Practice

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Idioms B2 | PracticeVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

whale hot ears corners apples bush dime sack

1 . After forgetting my friend's birthday , I found myself in water when I realized I hadn't even sent a card .
2 . Instead of answering the question directly , he decided to beat around the and avoided giving a clear response .
3 . When it comes to hearing about your adventure , I'm all ? I can't wait to hear every detail !
4 . It's been a long day , and I can't wait to hit the and get a good night's sleep .
5 . Be cautious when buying those cheap sunglasses ; they might be a a dozen , but the quality could be questionable .
6 . Comparing those two cars is like comparing and oranges ? they serve different purposes and can't be easily judged against each other .
7 . Don't cut on your project ; take the time to do it properly , and the results will be worth the effort .
8 . We had a of a time at the beach , enjoying the sun , playing games , and laughing together .

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