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marco rabadan

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Coworking spaces

Flexibility . This seems to be the fastest and strongest growing trend in the workforce today . People are focused on quality of life , ability to create , and the expertise to build positive social relationships . Flex hours are generally accepted as an expected part of a negotiated contract these days . People want work - life balance . They want to be able to spend a morning at their child's school on a family day . They expect their personal schedules to be recognized as not always being identical to every other employee in the company . Fulfillment is closely with flexibility . The drive for flexibility is evident as far as even abandoning the traditional office . A quick internet search for 'rent a desk' , 'coworking space' , or even 'desk camping' reveals the of applications and websites available for shared workspaces . But , what are the benefits ?

Shared workspaces accommodate the fluctuating needs of businesses . As remote work , large corporations can cut down on wasted rent expenses from increasingly empty offices . Coworking spaces help large firms to attract younger tech specialists , by the offer of and higher tech facilities in which to develop their projects .

For those that are not permanent employees , the draw of a coworking space is obvious . The is becoming the norm , at least as a bridge between more permanent positions . Freelancers need space to focus , but also to avoid the isolation of simply working from home . Add to that how our world is expanding with travel options and expats constantly moving , shared workspaces in tourist destinations are becoming a necessary commodity . People staying in other countries for months or weeks at a time are able to continue their work routine , albeit keeping the life they crave .

Opportunities for networking and collaboration are created both for the self - employed and coworkers from the same companies utilizing the space . The escape from the day to day bureaucracy and scrutiny of a traditional office can lessen emotional stress . Hence , lending more focus to the task at hand .

The benefits for real estate are undeniable as well . While large corporations may shrink the amount of office space they own , there is still a draw to having a work destination available to the employee . It is now possible to find office space for more than one hundred employees on short notice using a space matchmaker app . U . S . figures indicate coworking may account for as much as 2% of the office market by 2020 . Many retail tenants are closing down , due to the same focus on being agile and online . So shared workspace options are an attractive way for building owners to fill floorspace .

Does this all mean that coworking space is the best option for everyone ? Of course not . As with everything in life , it fits for some , but not for others . Exactly the same as traditional office space works does not always work well for everyone . Some freelancers do not find the noisy , social atmosphere of open concept workspaces to focused work . Some corporations need to on how their employees are using their time . But options are always a good thing . As the nature of work continues changing , more and more shifting towards the person instead of the institution , it is acceptable and even encouraged to consider : what works for you ?