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marco rabadan

equate assumptions prejudice tapinto manpower pity honed

Aging workforce benefits

There is much focus on the millennial workforce and the changes it is bringing about . However , it is not the only group providing in the markets , nor it should be . The number of people aged over 65 in England will grow 50 percent by 2030 ? according to the Department for Work and Pensions . The aging workforce is large , but more importantly , it is incredibly valuable .

Often , are made as to trainability and health regarding the older generation . But some of us have seen our 82 - year - old grandmothers learn how to use their new tablets and embrace technology , demonstrating that age most certainly does not invalidity of mind . The younger generation entering the workforce has much to learn from the skills , experience , and perspective of those already contributing . It is in fact , an important lesson for millennials to learn .

So much focus has been given to adjusting to the new needs of the emerging workforce , so why wouldn't the same consideration be given to those who have built the current markets for them ? Corporations need to be alert to not exclude experienced workers based only on their age and proximity to retirement . Life expectancy is set to grow in coming years , heading us toward a situation where five generations could potentially be working together . Yes , the younger generations bring fresh and up to date tech skills , but there is value in the oldest one , and companies do well to it .

Teaming up younger and older personnel draws on everyone's strengths , simultaneously encouraging the sharing of skills . Older employees find the best facets of new tech to incorporate into their positions , and younger ones observe and hopefully duplicate those social , business , and marketing skills that sometimes are best by experience alone . Mentoring schemes can also help counter possible from either direction . The tagline " Experience never gets old , " from the movie The Intern is quite significant . That movie establishes that learning can be had on both sides of the age coin . It's well worth to watch this movie in order to gain some perspective on the matter .

Undeniably , different generations have different needs . By retaining talented employees and helping them keep their skills up to date , recruitment and training costs are reduced . Allowing mature team members wind down to retirement gradually while enjoying a fulfilling working life creates a positive approach to the company . New talent entering the company will observe the loyalty that older ones hopefully feel and demonstrate , and it will affect how they view the company themselves . It will create a positive , contented work environment . And best of all and not to be ignored , satisfied workers boost productivity .

The aging employee may have different needs to be attended to , such as allowances for being a caregiver for relatives . Employers do well to acknowledge and adjust to changing needs . Younger workers want flexibility with the goal of work - life balance , maybe having their focus on their children or personal hobbies . Basic humanity requires that we recognize that the flexibility needed by older ones is equally valid . They also need and deserve a healthy work - life balance , regardless of what that may entail . The whole workforce deserves to be considered in company policies and programs , not out of , but out of respect for their genuine value and contributions .