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marco rabadan

GrainOfSalt fixate dwellon boundto association holdingagrudge wreakshavoc

Nine things smart people don't do

It is said that 90% of top performers are people with high emotional intelligence . What's behind their success ? We have a list of nine key types of behavior that smart people avoid in order to remain calm , content , and in control . Try to imitate them and increase your emotional intelligence and performance .

1 . Don't let anyone take away your joy : So you can be the master of your own happiness , you mustn't compare yourself , your achievements , and your failures to others . Focus on how well you have done and not on what your father , friend , or workmate would do even better . Emotionally intelligent people won't let anyone limit their joy if they are satisfied with what they've accomplished . While it's impossible to turn off your reactions to what others think of you , learn to take people's opinions with a . Remember that regardless of what people think of you at any particular moment , one thing is certain : you're never as good or bad as they say you are .

2 . Don't forget : Emotionally intelligent people are quick to forgive , but that doesn't mean that they will give a wrongdoer another chance .

3 . Don't die in the fight : Save your energy for the next day . Read your emotions right to choose your battles wisely and only stand your ground when the time is right . If you get involved in an unnecessary conflict , your emotions will make you dig your heels in and leave you seriously damaged .

4 . Don't prioritize perfection : Emotionally intelligent people know perfection only exists in fairy tales so they won't set being perfect as their objective . As humans we are fail at times . If you remember that , you won't end up wasting your time lamenting over what you should have done differently .

5 . Don't live in the past : When you live in the past , what actually happens is your past becomes your present , which prevents you from moving forward and living your life . Maybe you made some mistakes , maybe you took some risks that you wish you hadn't . Emotionally intelligent people know that real success depends on their ability to rise in the face of failure , and that is impossible to do when you are living in the past .

6 . Don't dwell on problems : If you on problems , you allow your negative emotions and stress to escalate to the point that they will hinder your performance . Emotionally intelligent people focus on solutions instead , as this will keep them more effective .

7 . Don't hang around negative people : Complainers are not the you should seek out as they do their problems for far too long and fail to focus on finding solutions . If you join their pity party by lending a sympathetic ear , they are sure to feel better but what will you get ? You'll get sucked into their negative emotional spiral . It's far better to set limits by asking complainers how they intend to fix a problem . This will either quiet them down or center the conversation on something more productive and positive .

8 . Don't hold grudges : Researchers claim that , as it produces negatives emotions similar to those related to stress , on your body and can have devastating health consequences over time including high blood pressure and heart disease . Emotionally intelligent people value their own health and sanity way too much to allow bad memories of past experiences to ruin them .

9 . Don't say yes unless you really want to : Scientists from the University of California in Berkeley found that saying yes when you actually want to say no contributes to experiencing more stress , burnout , and in some cases even depression . Though being a difficult word to use , a no can save your life or at least , your career . Saying no to a new commitment honors your existing commitments and gives you the opportunity to successfully fulfill them .