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Welcome to the jungle fill the gap

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Welcome to the jungle fill the gap

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Welcome to the jungle fill the gapVersión en línea

Welcome to the jungle fill the gap

por Roberto Martin CEIP Pablo Picasso

Welcome to the , we like fun and
This is a happy place , the have names .
Jay Jaguar likes to lay low in the
He is our best hunter , he can pounce and so fast
In the jungle , to the jungle ,
" Roar roar roar , Roar ! Roar ! "
( repetition ) " Roar roar roar , Roar ! Roar ! "
Welcome to the jungle , this is where we
We have our ecosystem and lots of love to give
Tiki spreads his and likes to up high
His like a rainbow as he soars through the
In the jungle , welcome to the jungle
say " squawk squawk squawk , Squawk ! Squawk ! '
( repeat ) Squawk squawk squawk , Squawk ! Squawk ! '
Welcome to the jungle , come along with me
We'll go on an , there's lots of things to
Mac the swings from tree to tree
Beats his at people that he sees
In the jungle , welcome to the jungle
say " oo oo oo , ah ee ah'
( repeat ) oo oo oo , ah ee ah !
Welcome to the jungle , don't forget my name
I am Zonia , I like both and
The Kapok tree is sacred I'll protect it with all my might
If it were in danger I'd put up a
In the jungle , welcome to the jungle
Our favourite place to be . . !

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