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marco rabadan

provocative notion ascribed stereotypes acknowledge adherents

The human library

Are you interested in people ? Ever wondered what it's like to be someone else ? That's what you can do at The human library !

I first encountered the concept of The human library when I read an article in a recent issue of The big issue , a newspaper distributed and sold by homeless people in the UK . I was so intrigued by the idea that I decided to investigate further .

The idea of The human Library has been around for a while , its founder , Ronni Abergel , claims that the inspiration came to him at a music festival in 2000 . " I wanted to see if we could get people to sit down with someone they think they don't like , unpopular types from the community , " he says . So , the became a reality and 'readers' are now given the chance to interact with people who are not like them in over 60 countries worldwide .

So , what's it like as an attendee ? In the report I read , the writer describes having a choice of 40 'titles' , or people , to chat to . Each individual has been a single word , often , title ranging from 'unemployed' , 'immigrant' , 'refugee' , to 'homeless' or 'single parent' . There is on hand a catalogue featuring the 'titles' that are on offer at the event together with a list of the most common and prejudices that relate to each title . Readers then can listen to the individual's unique story , in a secure , protected , environment and ask questions if they wish .

What's the benefit ? Well , although some critics dismiss it as only reaching people who are already open - minded , this argument cuts little ice with its . In an age characterized by social bubbles and online 'friendships' , there need to be greater opportunities to engage with , and maybe find empathy for people we normally give a wide berth . At the very least , it gives both the 'books' and the 'readers' an opportunity to have a decent conversation and an exchange of ideas . This can be as beneficial for the 'book' as it can for the 'reader' .

If you are planning to attend an event near you , it is best to be prepared . Think about who you would like to talk to , what questions are important to you , and be honest and any prejudices you may have . Most important of all , listen to the story , it may give you an insight into another experience of life .

If you are interested in organizing an event in your own community , it's essential that you seek advice first on identifying the resources you will need and event logistics . Much of this information can be found online at http : / / humanlibrary . org / human - library - organizers /

Taking a step towards better understanding and improved social relationships could be life changing , not just for the books and readers , but also for you .