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day 6 fill in the blanks

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day 6 fill in the blanks

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day 6 fill in the blanksVersión en línea

day 6 fill in the blanks

por sara trad

beetle picnic bath classmates grass drive cute cake date bit sat cookies end headache cage arm

In the afternoon , in a city near the farm , a man with a smile in his armchair , enjoying some cheese with a banana , and a of butter . His dog left his and ran after a . The man wore a cap and a band on his and drank a glass of water . The man decided to leave the room and go for a in his car to the sea . Before going , he took a bag with a comic book , a brush , and a drum . On the way , he saw a field of where a group of was playing baseball . Nearby , a family made a with a box of , a cake , and a cup of ice tea . The man put on his skates and went to the cave where he had a . It was an art classmate waiting for him with a birthday . At the of the day he felt a , so he decided to take a .

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