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por Tea Cher

modeling recalls motivated chance auditioning striving environment Mercutio agent

So when I was 15 , my mother me going up to her and saying do you mind if I become an actor ? So I did it . When I was 15 . I was a pretty self kid and started taking acting classes . The that I could do that here in the city was amazing . You know , I was watching The Second City on television . So I went to Second City . I was taking Second City classes . I was doing really well . Probably the most important part of that was I was at the Jewish Community Center up on Eglinton . Rose Dubin was there and that's where I ended up getting a to play in Romeo and Juliet . That ? s where I got an . You know , another actor had an agent and they had come to see the play and then this person who was actually an acting model agency . I didn't do so well at the but figured that out anyway . So then and then , that's where I got my first agent and so then with that doing that going there studying at night taking classes was all like Uta Hagen . You know respect for acting and taking drama in high school and then going to the for the Performing Arts High School after North Toronto so all that was going on taking Second City going to the Community Centre , getting an agent , and then you know just at it .

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