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The Owl and the Pussycat

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The Owl and the Pussycat


Tea Cher

Owl guitar green honey stars year ring beautiful sea love Piggy Turkey five spoon ring Pussycat moon sing

The and the went to
In a beautiful pea - boat ,
They took some , and plenty of money ,
Wrapped up in a - pound note .
The Owl looked up to the above ,
And sang to a small ,
" O lovely Pussy ! O Pussy , my ,
What a Pussy you are ,
You are ,
You are !
What a beautiful Pussy you are ! "

Pussy said to the Owl , " You elegant fowl !
How charmingly sweet you !
O let us be married ! too long we have tarried :
But what shall we do for a ? "
They sailed away , for a and a day ,
To the land where the Bong - Tree grows
And there in a wood a - wig stood
With a at the end of his nose ,
His nose ,
His nose ,
With a ring at the end of his nose .

" Dear Pig , are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your ring ? " Said the Piggy , " I will . "
So they took it away , and were married next day
By the who lives on the hill .
They dined on smelly peas and sharp cheese ,
Which they ate with a runcible ;
And hand in hand , on the edge of the sand ,
They danced by the light of the ,
The moon ,
The moon ,
They danced by the light of the moon .