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por Tea Cher

conclusions car mailbox repaired trip windshield Jeep Katie golf wrecking yard mud store driveway phone pizza

Man : Honey . Do you know what time will be home ?
Woman : Uh , she should be here any minute . She took the car to pick up something from the .
Man : Okay , I was just a little worried that . . . Man , what was that ? Oh , no . The ! She drove over the and hit a tree in the front . Ah , the car !
Woman : Well , just don ? t stand there blabbing all day . Let ? s go out and see if Katie ? s okay .
Man : Ah , my car .
Woman : Honey , are you okay ?
Daughter : Oh , mom . I ? m so sorry . I can ? t believe this is happening .
Man : Oh , my car !
Woman : Forget your car !
Man : Driving with the cell . I know .
Daughter : It wasn ? t that at all . Don ? t jump to .
Man : Oh , yeah .
Daughter : Dad . . . um , mom . It ? s not like that at all . I mean , as I was pulling into the , something rolled from under the seat and got stuck under the brake pedal . . . the gas pedal . . . I , I don ? t know , and I couldn ? t stop the car . And then I accidentally hit the gas when I wanted to brake , and I hit the mailbox .
Woman : Uh , I think I know what the problem was . Honey , did you put those balls away like I told you ? [ Huh ? ] The ones YOU put under the driver ? s seat . . . the ones I told you would get in the way .
Man : Man , I thought I got those .
Daughter : Plus , Mom , the wipers on the car didn ? t work , so I couldn ? t see very well in the rain .
Woman : Didn ? t you get those fixed ?
Man : Uh , I ? ve been meaning to get those .
Daughter : And mom . I was going to use the car this weekend to go camping with my friends , but now my plans are ruined . My friends are going to hate me . What am I going to do ?
Woman : Hon , yeah , what IS your daughter going to do ? It appears it ? s mainly your fault for the accident and that she ? s in such a jam .
Man : My fault ? Hey , why don ? t you just invite your friends over for ? I ? ll buy .
Daughter : Mom , we ? ve been planning this weekend for months . I need a car .
Woman : Hon .
Man : What ? I mean , man , what a predicament ! That ? s tough .
Woman : I think what your dad is trying to say is that you can take his new .
Daughter : Yeah , awesome .
Man : What ?
Daughter : Yes !
Man : Wait , not my new Jeep . I don ? t even have 500 miles on it .
Daughter : Four - wheeling through the , over big rocks and in deep ruts in the road . . . if there is a road .
Man : Ah .
Woman : You love your daughter , don ? t you ?
Man : Ask me after she returns from the .
Daughter : Ah , Dad . I ? m gonna [ going to ] call my friends to let them know the good news . Thanks , Dad , I knew I could count on you .
Man : Yeah , but make sure the car doesn ? t become a routine activity .
Daughter : Dad !

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