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Catching Up with People's News

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A Fill in the Blanks game about the importance of staying connected and informed about the lives of others.

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Catching Up with People's NewsVersión en línea

A Fill in the Blanks game about the importance of staying connected and informed about the lives of others.

por Marlon Quezada

long Let's be you Not sure

A : Hey Darcy ! It's great to see you again ! It's been a time .
B : I know . I haven't seen you since last year . I'm things have changed since then .
A : much , to honest . I am still working at McFee Company and taking salsa classes . The same as usual . What have you been up to ?
B : I've been really busy . I have a new job . It's a challenging position , but I've been enjoying it .
A : That's fantastic ! By the way , do remember Joe Danielson ?
B : Yeah , he used to play guitar at every event we had , right ?
A : Yep ! He was pretty good , actually . He has been working with me since last month .
B : Seriously ? Some things have definitely happened . Would you like to go for a coffee and catch up ?
A : That would be wonderful ! do it .

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