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Word formation (C1) - Friendship (Complete the gaps)

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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.

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Word formation (C1) - Friendship (Complete the gaps)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.

ADR Formación

identify identical identified identity

Base word = IDENTIFY

Scientists believe that they have finally the gene that causes personality disorders .

The of his father was kept secret from him until the age of twelve .

While their personalities may be completely different , physically they are in every way .


specifics specifically specifications unspecified

Base word = SPECIFY

What drives me up the wall is his insistence on having the last word in every argument .

The of their relationship had been kept out of the press until only recently .

Her robot boyfriend was made to extremely demanding .


inconsiderate considerably considerate consider

Base word = CONSIDER

As well as being funny and charming , he's also incredibly to others , which is a rare trait these days !

When going on a blind date it is , of course , important to the fact that the person who turns up may not resemble the person you saw in their online dating profile .

Younger generations would argue that social media has made it easier to keep in touch and , indeed , make new friends .


strong strengthens strength strengthen

Base word = STRONG

What really our bond is knowing that we both went through a lot as children .

What first attracted me to her was her of character and determination .

The difficulties faced in marriage only serve to a relationship ; well , either that , or end it !


behave behaviourally behavioural behaviour

Base word = BEHAVE

Educators have studied the changes that children undergo as they progress through primary school .

You will , of course , always love your children , but it is inevitable that you sometimes struggle to show it , as they like monkeys let loose in the zoo .

She had better be on her best , as the teacher has warned that she will be expelled if she steps out of line one more time .


annoyingly annoying annoyance annoyed

Base word = ANNOY

He's never slow to show his , which is almost certainly what puts people off getting to close to him .

I soon realised , rather , that he was in fact right !

It is one of those mannerisms that you will either adore , or find beyond belief .


admiration admirable admirers admire

Base word = ADMIRE

It is no wonder he has plenty of , as he is both handsome and witty .

While it is that you are trying to patch things up , at some point one must admit that things are too far gone and cannot be saved .

I would say that my of her exploits is the main reason that I went into the field of Physics .


personal impersonal personality personalities

Base word = PERSON

Where they agree , however , is that it is vital to keep workplace relationships ; particularly those between employer and employee .

That refusal to bend and admit fault is a weakness of mine .

There are , though , many who argue that it is couples with drastically different that thrive .