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Advanced Vocabulary | Speakout C1

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Advanced Vocabulary | Speakout C1Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

heart innate fertile burner in debunk jeopardy blue

1 . I decided to put my travel plans on the back until I finish my project at work .
2 . After considering the consequences , she had a change of and decided to support the new initiative .
3 . The endangered species is in of extinction if conservation efforts are not implemented .
4 . Sarah excels mathematics and consistently achieves top scores in her exams .
5 . The soil in the valley makes it an ideal location for agriculture and farming .
6 . Some people believe that artistic talent is , while others think it can be developed over time .
7 . Out of the , I received an unexpected job offer that completely changed my career path .
8 . Researchers aim to the theory that vaccines are harmful through rigorous scientific studies .

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