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Generation Lockdown

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Generation Lockdown

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Generation Lockdown

Generation Lockdown

Oluwaseun Agunbiade

learning where active protect play actually dead pushing can't remember quietest longest against hiding can't hiding guest see leading cry position talk Welcome shooter loud

Alright . So good morning . to today's team building event . Today we're going to be what to do in the event of an .
We're going to bring in a special , she's an expert on this , and she's going to be our team building event .
This is Kayleigh .

Hello . Hi .

If there was an active shooter , you'd all be .

When you out , the shooter can tell you are , and where you're .
Sometimes we the game , Who can stay the , so we all .
You can try and your friends by the tables and chairs the doors .
You also have to put a piece of paper over the door window so they in .
You .
It gives away your and your spot .


right comes example help feet screaming hear bathrooms hall might outside louder stand listen seat anything things head

And if you're in the , you have to on the toilet , and crunch down , so they can't see your , and they can't see your , so they don't know that you're in there .

That's crazy .

Try to for that can the police . For , if you a lot of bangs , like BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! The shooter be down the .

Or if you hear ones like , BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! He could be your door . If the shooter in the room , won't do .


sing stay song cry climb found hide window easy sound doors make back fight Lockdown escape taught break inside try remember Lockdown

You have to and .

If you can't , we get the 'Emergency Window Escape Plan' Where you have to a , put clothes over the frame , and through .

Our teacher used to a to make it to :
, , let's all . Lock the and . Crouch on down . Don't a . And don't or you'll be .