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Sampo: Sentences/Fill the Gaps

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Fill the gaps in the sentences by clicking on the words listed on the right. They are all terms from your Quizlet autumn vocabulary sets.

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Sampo: Sentences/Fill the GapsVersión en línea

Fill the gaps in the sentences by clicking on the words listed on the right. They are all terms from your Quizlet autumn vocabulary sets.

por Marietta Chela

factors adhere exacerbate reform correction repercussions PPAs controversial comply evidence detrimental mismatch

1 . The effects of inefficient energy consumption practices can lead to increased costs and environmental damage .

2 . It is crucial for energy companies to with industry regulations to ensure sustainable operations and avoid legal repercussions .

3 . The of neglecting safety protocols in the energy sector can be severe , affecting both the workforce and the company's reputation .

4 . Failure to address outdated infrastructure can issues in energy production , hindering efficiency and sustainability goals .

5 . Energy professionals must to ethical standards and best practices to build trust with stakeholders and maintain a positive industry image .

6 . Economic play a significant role in the energy sector , and understanding them is a key factor in making informed business decisions .

7 . The implementation of certain energy policies can be , sparking debates among industry experts and policymakers .

8 . A marked in pricing strategies may be necessary to align with market trends and ensure competitiveness in the evolving energy landscape .

9 . Reliable is essential for supporting claims and making informed decisions in the energy sector , especially when dealing with emerging technologies .

10 . Power Purchase Agreements ( ) provide a framework for energy transactions , outlining terms and conditions between producers and consumers .

11 . The electricity market aims to create a more competitive and efficient market , encouraging innovation and sustainable practices .

12 . Addressing the skills in the energy sector is crucial for ensuring a qualified workforce capable of meeting the industry's evolving demands .

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