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Psychological and psychobiological stress II

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Edad recomendada: 16 años
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Psychological and psychobiological stress II

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School performance is , by definition , a complex variable
that may depend on a variety of factors , even though it is
on tasks that are mainly cognitive ( Fragoso & Alcántara , 2003 ; Gutiérrez , 1996 ) . However , recent research has also
considered the role by emotional variables such as
anxiety ( Ezpeleta et al . , 2005 ; Margalit & Shulman , 1996 ) ,
school stress or daily stress ( Lindau et al . , 2007 ) and academic motivation ( Baker , 2003 ; Kaminski et al . , 1999 ) in relation
to children ? s academic grades . The relationship between basic cognitive function , composed of attention and memory variables , and children ? s basic learning in primary school been well documented ( Echevarry , Godoy & Olaz , 2007 ; Wesnes et al . , 2009 ;
Wesnes , Pincock , Richardson , Helm & Halis , 2003 ; Wesnes ,
Ward , McGinty & Petrini , 2000 ) . However , although the direct relationship between cognition and performance now
widely accepted , research has yet to elucidate fully the variables that affect this relationship and which mediate or modify the effect of cognitive skills on school performance .