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Fill in the Blanks: Muscles of the Head, Neck, Shoulder, Thorax, Abdomen, and Spine

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Test your knowledge of the muscles of the head, neck, and abdomen with this Fill in the Blanks game!

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Fill in the Blanks: Muscles of the Head, Neck, Shoulder, Thorax, Abdomen, and SpineVersión en línea

Test your knowledge of the muscles of the head, neck, and abdomen with this Fill in the Blanks game!

por Finley Root

facial breathing head chewing laughing core neck muscles eye abdomen

Muscles of the , , and are important for various functions in the body . The of the head are responsible for expressions , , and movements . The neck muscles support the head and allow for movements such as turning and tilting . The muscles of the abdomen play a crucial role in stability and are involved in activities like , coughing , and .


masseter sternocleidomastiod temporalis masseter

[ H ] The muscle is found inferior to the on the lateral side of the cranium , while the is found superior to the .


sternocleidomastoid scalenes

[ N ] Found on the lateral side of the neck , the is superficial to the muscle .


transverse medial inferior superficial rectus

[ A ] The external oblique , found to the pectoralis major , is to the abdominis : which is to the internal oblique and superficial to the abdominis .


minor serratus anterior supraspinatus scapulae intercostals external medial internal pectoralis deep levator minor rhomboids lateral trapezius medial

[ T ] The intercostals ( found inferior of the sternocleidomastoid , / of the ) are superficial to the . The is inferior to the pectoralis . The is found superficial to the following muscles : the , which is found superior and from the - which is to the .


major deltoid superficial pectoralis teres anterior lateral minor longissimus maximus superior subscapularis dorsi inferior gluteus covers minor

[ S ] The latissimus is found superficial to the , superior to the , and inferior / medial of the . Deep of the aforementioned , from the end of the shoulder to the end the muscles are as follows : supraspinatus , infraspinatus , teres * , * . On the side of the body , the major can be found to the pectoralis which the .

* found at the end of the shoulder .


Scapula Vertebrae scapular spinal trapezius Skull

[ T ? ] The performs inferior rotation , retraction , elevation , depression ; extension ; origin [ ] + [ ] ; insertion [ ]


Sternum humeral Clavicle Humerus major

[ S ? ] The p . performs flexion , adduction , medial rotation ; origin [ ] + [ ] ; insertion [ ]


Humerus scapular latissimus humeral Vertebrae

[ S ? ] The performs extension , adduction , medial rotation , depression ; origin [ ] ; insertion [ ]

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